August 2018

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August Blog


With the hot weather continuing and the temperature hitting above 30 degrees on a regular basis, we are now seeing problems galore.  I am hearing leeks of all breeds splitting, running to seed, and stepping up.  Not to mentioned suckers and leeks rotting in poly tunnels.  I have had to remove about 10 leeks with centre rot.  This stinks and as soon as you enter the poly tunnel you know you have a problem.  I think it is just too high a temperature which seems to cause this.  The leek seems to be cooked and it turns into a sloppy mess.  I don’t know how to stop this and once you smell it, there is no way back.

I am also hearing that thrip and red spider mite have been a huge problem.  My own plants are still clean and I hope they remain like that for the rest of the season.  I have wrapped 20 of my best pot leeks, hoping to have a good Blanch for the National Pot Leek Society Championships.

The JSN Pot leek have grown very fast and are all over 16″ in circumference but some are starting to split flags.  My stock plants are looking very good, the onions have started to open their seed pods and plenty of black seeds showing.  I did shave a few onion heads but none have produced any pips.

I have trimmed about half of my leek heads and they are starting to produce nice grass.  I am shaving a couple of heads every 2 or 3 days, hoping for grass for later setting dates.  I should have the following stock available for 2019:

  • Blanch Leeks Pendle only
  • Pot Leeks
  • Cumbrian
  • CSC
  • Betty Black
  • Yorkshire Giant
  • JSN Leek

Onion Seed available 2019 and plants for collection only.

Please note I wont be taking any orders until late Sept/Early Oct to ensure there are no mis-haps with my stock plants.

See you all at the shows,



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